Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the International Food Information Council (IFIC)?
We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education and consumer research organization, staffed by nutrition, food safety and communications professionals.
What is IFIC’s mission?
Our mission is to effectively communicate science-based information about sustainable food systems, with a focus on food safety and nutrition.
How is IFIC funded?
Our research and education programs are supported by:
- Food, beverage and agriculture companies that support IFIC’s mission
- Contributions from other foundations and nonprofit organizations
- Grants from government agencies
Review our list of partners and supporters, and review our 990 Tax Forms.
Who are the experts associated with IFIC?
Our network of credentialed experts includes IFIC staff professionals and outside independent academics in the fields of nutrition, food safety, agriculture, communications and related disciplines. We rely on independent experts to help us understand emerging issues and to create educational materials.
Does IFIC speak for the food, beverage or agricultural industries, or any other industry?
No. We do not speak for any industry or company, nor do we endorse any brands or products. IFIC is non-partisan. Other than advocating for the role of science and evidence in food, nutrition and agriculture, we do not lobby on public policy and regulatory matters.
Does IFIC engage in political activities?